Friday, June 25, 2010

Have arrived home at the dawn. Its been about two weeks or so since the vandys departed to US but I just got the chance to upload this photos. Hope that I am not that late. huhuhu
Therefore, meet the vandy boyz.....

Abdul Fahim Bin Fauzi

 Muhammad Azeem bin Md Yusof

Azman Bin Sampol

Azizi Bin Azizan Khamat

From left: Azman, Azeem, Me, Fahim, Azizi

Weeee ~.This picture is making me jealous


Hope all of you will be fine there. No more mom's ketupat and lemang for this coming eid.

p/s: I still have gazillion pictures waiting to be upload 
but my internet connection does turned me down.
So later...

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