Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being a committee of a student body for a multiracial program does make all the political issues become more reasonable and comprehensible for me. As I said earlier, making things reasonable may help us to understand people and their actions more. To be a good leader, you will not always win the hearts of the people around you. Face it.


fawz@n said...

aku baru je berjumpa dgn pengerusi fasa 1 MD usm.
antara yg sempat beliau pesan tadi,
"senang utk jadi ketua kpd orang2 bodoh.tapi utk jadi ketua orang2 pandai,tu yang susah tu."

Muhammad Afiq Kamarudin said...

betul tu pojan.susah nak pegang jawatan ni.baru aku rasa sekarang