Thursday, February 21, 2013

I have a dream

I have a dream, or rather, a vision.
So big it is that it scares me.
Will I live long enough to turn it into reality?

How is it going to be reality when I am no longer around?

Came to my mind that I have to be immortal
Ah, somewhere around this world, there might be an elixir
One that will enable me to see my dream become true.
On and on I keep looking for it.
For I know that the time will never stop.
Happy I am for at last I found it.

Abu Hurairah reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "If anyone calls others to follow right guidance, his reward will be equivalent to those who follow him (in righteousness) without their reward being diminished in any respect, and if anyone invites others to follow error, the sin, will be equivalent to that of the people who follow him (in sinfulness) without their sins being diminished in any respect"

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