When you have troubles coming to you from all over the places, you begin to reflect upon all the things that you have done. You start to think that you are actually in a very difficult position that no one ever had before, that the people around you cannot even relate too. You start to rationalize your anger despite the fact that you understand that others also have so much in their plate too. Dude, you feel that it is too much that you began to think to quit everything. That is when you know that shaytan is overpowering you through your anger, through your emotion and through your frustration. So, what should you do?
1. Reflect upon the hadeeth ralated to patient and anger. You would see that there are lots of hadeeths telling you not to be angry, that patients is at the first hit, that the men who are strong are not due to their strength but due to their ability to be patient when they are angry. But still, you are angry. Your emotion is getting over you.
2. Keep yourselves silent. Because the more you talk, the more unaware you become of all the words that you have and might say. You might be lying just because you don't want to lose. You might say words that are unable to be taken back. You might hurt others. But you don't want to lose your argument and you don't want the others to feel that they are actually on the right side.
3. Take ablution. Oh wait. The restrooms are too far.
4. Lie down. Oh wait. What others would feel? You are lying down in the middle of the room.
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