Watching a debate between an atheist and a muslim for the past two hours makes me feel that we always try to rationalize all things that happen around us. I am not saying that it is not a good thing. Nor am I saying that we should rationalize. I dont know, there are a lot of things going around in my mind. I have read a few early chapters of Dr in the House by Dr. M. One of the chapter -the third chapter precisely- talk about his being a Malay. One of thing he wrote is about proverbs. Malay has too much proverbs, so much that people can always find one that contradicts another. The same thing goes to reasoning. I do not know for sure about things that I should or should not do. Say, for example, a friend confided to me about something that he should not do. What should I do? Should I scold him? Should I report about him to the higher authority? Should I listen to him and just let things that happened happened? We do not have the exact answer. But we do have faith. We should believe that if we are doing thing with a good intention and we do it the right way, we should not worry about the result of our action. If it turn out to work well, we should feel happy that we are doing the right thing. If the result seems not the be a good one, have faith and pray hard that it will turn into a good one. I still remember a saying from someone I dont remember. See, I want to give a credit but I just cant remember. So, that guy, or maybe girl, said that it is so much easier connecting the dot looking backward. Indeed, I agreed. It is so much easier to look back and say,
Ouh, i am happy that I took that action or
Now I can tell why I didnt do it or
If I know that this is gonna happen, then I wont do it. We are not sure about anything that happen in the future. Okay, we do have some clues but the future is so blur and there are so many uncertainties in it. It is always easier to connect the dots looking backward. Getting back to the debate, one of the question posed to both of them is about their tendency to use natural phenomenon as the evidence of their argument. Say that, one day, the scientists observed and concluded-and we are talking about a unanimous conclusion- in favor of the other person, what will be their stand in this matter? Will they change their mind? Both of them had taken their stands. But as for me, I would say that we should not have faith only when things are so much in favor of us. When all the things in this world are against us but we have confident that we are the right one and we stay with our stand, that is faith. Again, some people just can call it arrogance. That bring me to another argument in the debate. Ah, how random can I actually be? Why are there different interpretation of quranic verses? Because we are just human beings. We are interpreting things based on our reference frame. The westerns labelled the people who fight against the imperialists for their own soil as rebellious but the others who are at the other side of the world call these people as hero, warrior and saviors. People are seeing things differently. That is why we interpret the same thing differently.
Yes, for me, this whole science, physics, chemistry and mathematics are mere attempts by human to rationalize thing. We just cannot accept things without questioning. That is why Newton came up with his theory. And so did Einstein and all other scholars. It is good to question. But when things do not come the way it should have been, we should not jump into conclusion. Have faith.
At the end of the day,
And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me (Az-Zariyat 51:56)
If you happened to not understand about the debate that I was talking about, you can see it
here and
1 comment:
good thought, keep up the good work brother
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