Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Waktu ngah men facebook pagi tadi, i've came across one of my freind's status. It hit my head very hard even though this topic had been discussed again and again.

Qaiyyum :our education system ,as well as science in general,tends to neglect the non-verbal form of intellect.what it comes down to is that modern society discriminates people with the dominance in right hemisphere of the brain

Shahir: couldn't agree more...=)

farid:jap2.non verbal form of intellect?what does that mean?is it the government puts more weigh in the development of verbal form of where does the claim 'malaysia's eduacation system is rather exam-based and more 2 therotical and less practical'.?im juz saying.shahir u r the debater here.please clarify.=)

Qaiyyum:what i mean is the individual with the dominance in left side of the brain tends to do well in school but often failed to develop their creative capacities,while individuals who are right-hemisphere dominant often fee guilty for the way they think and are frequently mislabeled as 'learning disabled'

Shahir: farid, non-verbal intellect is like EQ, soft skills or special talents. to be clearer, its like solving problems or analysing information using visual aids or hands-on information. what the education system does today is making us robots or parrots, memorising facts without even applying it, thus making our education system exam-oriented. So, what Qaiyyum is trying to say is that people whom their right hemisphere brain dominates the other tends to be discriminated. A clear example is the selection 4 scholarhips ie, Biasiswa National. They're chosen solely based on academics (SPM), not the ability of problem solving. r u clear on that farid?


The conversation went longer but I dont think it is important to be put in this post. Qaiyyum,aku pinjam eh. Sori x sound. Menarik minat la

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